Monday, May 23, 2011

Science fiction literature quiz

  1. What is the title of Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel?
  2. Though human, Valentine Michael Smith was born on what planet?
  3. What was John Scalzi's first published novel?
  4. Ben Bova's novel Mars takes place in what year?
  5. David Drake is a veteran of what war?
  6. What was the first novel in Alan Dean Foster's Humanx Commonwealth series?
  7. Who is the captain of the Nautilus?
  8. What is the title of John Steakley's one-and-only science fiction novel?
  9. What is the name of F'lar's bronze dragon in Dragonflight?
  10. How many autobiographies did Isaac Asimov write, one of which was not published during his lifetime?
  11. Who are the two main characters in H.G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon?
  12. Hugo Gernsback founded what famous science fiction magazine?
  13. In what year was The Left Hand of Darkness originally published?
  14. What famed author of adventure tales about Mars also wrote about Tarzan?
  15. What famous science fiction collector is credited with coining the term "sci-fi?"
  16. How far in the future does Dune take place?
  17. How many novelizations of the original Star Wars movie have been published?
  18. Who wrote Alas, Babylon?
  19. What destroyed civilization in A Canticle for Leibowitz?
  20. The nickname "Doc Smith" refers to what famed space opera author?
  21. How many Hugo awards has David Brin won?
  22. In Revelation Space, the large body known as Cerberus appears to be a planet. But what is it really?
  23. The essay "Whirligig World" about the fictional planet Mesklin often appears with what Hal Clement's novel?
  24. Who is "Lovely Ludwig Van?"
  25. Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein were two of the legendary "Big Three" authors of science fiction. Who was the third?
  26. What is Louis Gridley Wu celebrating at the beginning of Ringworld?
  27. Who coined the term "cyberspace?"
  28. The Cory Doctorow novel Little Brother takes place in what city?
  29. Neuromancer is considered a novel of what science fiction subgenre?
  30. What is the name of "The Fabulous Idiot" in More Than Human?
  31. In Ayn Rand's Anthem, what word has vanished from language?
  32. With what unofficial title has Harry Turtledove been dubbed?
  33. In The Man in the High Castle, which side won World War II?
  34. What Gordon R. Dickson novel was once shortened and published under the title The Genetic General?
  35. With what branch of the U.S. military did John Ringo serve?
  36. Slan was written by whom?
  37. There are two main characters in Kafka on the Shore, one being a young Kafka. Who is the other?
  38. Who is the author of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy?
  39. Where do Ender and fellow students fight their mock battles in Ender's Game?
  40. In The Space Merchants, what is Mitch Courtenay's job?
  41. What is John the Savage's ultimate fate?
  42. What novel was the movie Blade Runner based upon?
  43. Who wrote Blue Light?
  44. Who was the original publisher of Tomorrow Speculative Fiction magazine?
  45. What year does the short story "A Boy and His Dog" take place?
  46. Did famed editor John W. Campbell ever write any novels?
  47. Who holds the Guinness World's Record as the most published author?
  48. Who is the main character in the five novels that make up the first Amber series?
  49. In Babel-17, the secret weapon turns out to be what?
  50. In Flowers for Algernon, what is Algernon?

For answers to this quiz, go here.

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